Patents and Utility Models

Patents and Utility Models

As well as general advice on patents and utility models AAA-Patent offers the following special services
Neben einer allgemeinen Beratung zu Patenten und Gebrauchsmustern bietet AAA-Patent Ihnen insbesondere folgende Leistungen:
Drafting patent applications and utility model applications and submitting these to the relevant patent office
Assuming representation before foreign patent offices, e.g. in France, the USA, Japan or Austria (in cooperation with an overseas communicating attorney where necessary)
Patent searches to determine the relevant state of the art for your invention
Monitoring of national and international patent registers to track inventions by your competitors
Representation in opposition proceedings before the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) and in appeal proceedings before the Federal Patent Court (BPatG)
Representation in patent nullity cases in front of the German Federal Patent Court (BPatG) and the Federal Court of Justice (BGH)
Evaluation of the legality of patents and utility models
Notices for production of a legitimacy claim and cease and desist orders for patent or utility model infringements (in cooperation with a specialist attorney if need be)
Representation in patent infringement proceedings in front of district courts and higher regional courts (in cooperation with a specialist attorney)